The Poor of the Earth

"For the needy shall not be forgotten forever, nor shall the hope of the poor perish forever" (Ps. 9:18).

Human ideologies have failed in their conquest of an earthly paradise. They have unsuccessfully sought to bring justice to the poor of the earth, establishing systems of government that have turned against those they were intended to favor.

However, the poor and needy will have a final victory. Years and centuries of injustice will not have been in vain. However, justice and vindication will come not from an earthly ruler or political system, but from the God of all mercy and consolation. From him who, though he was rich, yet for love of us became poor, so that we, in his poverty, might be enriched.

The sufferings of those who endured a whole life of despoilment and humiliation will be avenged. They will be avenged from the scowling face of the overbearing rich man, of the extortioner, of the greedy backbiter, of the despoiler of goods and children.

And it will not be a matter of ideology. It will be a matter of divine justice, the same that operates in the episode of the rich man and Lazarus. To the rich man it was said: "Son, remember that you received your good things in your lifetime, and Lazarus also evil things, but now he is comforted here, and you are tormented".

What a joy will be the joy of millions of the poor, raised to the joy of the Lord! How many tears of joy will wash away their wounds and dispel their sorrowful looks! How many faces, which never dared to look straight before, will see without fear the One who will lift up their heads forever.

The reward is not received here. Today, no rebellion or vindication is possible. This time is not of victories, but of humiliation. "If we suffer (here), we shall reign with him". The vision of this reality leads the Christian to wait confidently for the time of God's vindication.

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