A Nobler Note

“Praise the LORD. Praise God in his sanctuary; praise him in his mighty heavens. Praise him for his acts if power; praise him for his surpassing greatness. Praise him with the sounding if the trumpet, praise him with the harp and lyre, praise him with tambourine and dancing, praise him with the strings and .flute, praise him with the clash of symbols, praise him with resounding symbols. Let everything that has breath praise the LORD. Praise the LORD” (Psalm 150).

When I was staying in a hotel in Norway, a little girl was among I he families staying as guests. She was obviously only a beginner in playing the piano. But she insisted upon practicing in the drawing room whenever she chose. She played with one finger and one note, usually discordant. Everyone bolted for open air whenever they saw her coming.

It happened that one of the finest musicians in Norway was also a guest. Instead of vanishing with the others, he took a stool and sat beside the child. For every note she struck, he struck the most exquisite chord of music, introducing a most lovely accompaniment. As the notes floated outside, the people streamed back to enjoy the music.

When the child made a more terrible mistake than usual, he improvised a still finer outburst of music. After 20 minutes, he took the child by the hand and led her around the company, introducing her as “the young lady to whom you are indebted for the music this afternoon.”The child knew well enough that she had not done it, but everyone paid their compliments.

The truth this story illustrates has deeply touched my heart through the years. I have been as that child at the piano of God's truth. I have tried my level best to make music with my one finger. Again and again and again I have come away feeling that I am a terrible failure and play nothing but discord. But, oh, I have also found the Holy Spirit sitting by my side. For every note of discord I have made, He has struck a nobler note.

Whatever you try to do for the Lord, small or great, and feel you are only making mistakes and failures and false notes, believe that the blessed Holy Spirit is by you side turning your discords into the Hallelujah Chorus! (F.B. Meyer).

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