A Good Conscience

“…a pure heart, a good conscience and a sincere faith” (1 Timothy 1:5).

It is quite possible for every one of us to have a perfectly good conscience. A happy state to be in!

Have you a good conscience? Are you under accusation, under condemnation? Are you fretting and worrying about the badness of your own heart? That means that you have not the answer of a good conscience to God.

What is the matter? You are still looking for something from nature, from the old man. You had better give it up, as that is the only way out - repudiate it.

Tell yourself and tell the accuser once and for all that in you, that is, in your flesh, dwelleth no good thing, and you never expect to find anything. The enemy knows it, and yet he is trying to get you on an impossible quest for something he knows you will never find, and that is how he worries you.

Then why not come onto the Lord's ground and outmaneuver him? Let us settle it that we can never expect to find any good in our old nature. All our good is in another, even our Lord Jesus. It is the law of the Spirit of life in Christ Jesus. (T. Austin-Sparks).

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