God's Supreme Gift

“Examine yourselves, whether ye be in the faith; prove your own selves. Know ye not your own selves, how that Jesus Christ is in you, except ye be reprobates?” (2 Corinthians 13:5, KJV).

What is the supreme benefit, the gift and treasure above all others which even God can give?

If a little child gives you a gift, maybe it's a little thing, but it's worth a lot to you. That's all a child can give. Or suppose you get a present from a relative. That present is according to two things: the love which the person feels for you and his ability to give. We give according to our ability.

Now when the great God Almighty, who owns heaven and earth, wants to bestow upon one of His creatures that which is above all other gifts, a gift worthy of its source, a gift worthy of the One who gives it, He gives Christ to be in our nature forever.

This is God's supreme and final gift. Not the pearly gates, not the golden street, not heaven, not even the forgiveness of sin, although these are God's gifts too, such as a king might give to his queen - a dozen gifts, and then the supreme, final gift worthy of royalty.

So, not a dozen, or two dozen, or a thousand, but countless hundreds of thousands of gifts God lays before His happy people, and then bestows this supreme gift. He makes us the repository of the nature and person of the Lord Jesus. (A.W. Tozer).

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