Tears for the Lord´s Work

“Those who sow in tears will reap with songs of joy. He who goes out weeping, carrying seed to sow, will return with songs of joy, carrying sheaves with him”. (Psalm 126:5-6).

None who loves the Lord does not weep. Weep with sympathy for sinners, weep with desire for the glory of God, and weep with eagerness to overcome the enemy. Of course, those who have no heart to please the Lord do not have such experience. But all whose hearts are on the Lord's work are bound to weep. Jeremiah was one of the prophets in the Old Testament greatly used by the Lord. He attained to such distinction because he shed many tears. He cared so much for the children of God that he cried day and night.

Without a doubt tears are something we must have, because this world is in great need of much tears. Many young believers need to be nurtured and disciplined with tears. Spiritual life needs to be maintained with tears. Numerous sinners need to have the seed of the gospel sown in their hearts with tears. Without weeping, nothing can be done.

Today the Christian's consecration is not adequate. Many offer their bodies, strength, money, and time; yet they fail to offer their tears. No wonder many works are incomplete and untold numbers of believers are not nurtured.

If we shed tears for the work, what will be the outcome? Do be aware of this, that tears will not be shed forever, because there is a time for it to cease. For please note this verse: “Thus saith Jehovah: Refrain thy voice from weeping, and thine eyes from tears; for thy work shall be rewarded…” (Jer. 31:16). If we really shed tears for the work, we shall be rewarded. (Watchman Nee).

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