Fire in the Heart

Behold, the bush burned with fire, and the bush was not consumed” (Exodus 3:2, KJV).

The only thing which is not consumed by burning is my soul. Fire is the death of my body, but fire is the life of my soul.

When my goods are burned they perish, but when my soul takes fire, for the first time it begins to live. It is then the hunger for fire that consumes my soul. It is because I have so little enthusiasm that I have so little life. The worm of worldly care gnaws at my heart just because there is no fire in my heart to destroy it. My force is wasted by its expenditure on myself. I want something to lift me out of myself in order that I may be strong. Nothing can lift me out of myself but fire, the fire of the heart – love.

If I could only be kindled into love, the last enemy would be conquered – death. Love would consume 'all my cares, but it would give new strength to me. There might be a wilderness around me, but my bush would be glorious – luminous. It would be seen afar off by all the travelers in the desert. It would be a light to lighten the ages, untouched by passing clouds, undimmed by flying years.

My heart would never be consumed if only it could burn. (George Matheson).

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