Our Resting Place

There is only one place to rest, and that is in the Lord. If we try to find rest in our environment, in knowledge, in health, in feeling or even in spiritual experience, we shall soon discover how changeable they all are. Thereby are we defeated because these are shakable foundations.

Thank the Lord, He himself is our resting place. Though we are unable to rest in anything on this earth, we nonetheless can find our rest in Him, for He is our “strong tower” (Psalm 61:3). We rest in His love that is an everlasting love – a love which embraces us to the uttermost.

This love caused the Lord Jesus Christ to descend from heaven, be crucified on the cross for us, be raised from the dead, to ascend back to heaven, to intercede for us, and prepare a place for us. Yea, He will also come again to receive us to himself. How marvelous is this love!

No matter what may befall us we need not be anxious but can be at rest in the One who so loves us. Furthermore, we find rest in the Lord because of His wisdom. He knows how to arrange things and how to proceed with us. The Lord knows how to cause all things to work together for good to those who love Him (see Romans 8:28).

Though at times we may feel ourselves at our wits end and greatly troubled, nevertheless, He is not like us for He knows how to uphold all things as well as plan for even all the smallest of things. Hence, why should we be troubled? Has He not the wisdom for all things?

Also, we can rest in God's mighty power because He has the strength to deliver His children and He has the power to defeat all the wiles of the devil; because He is forever the Victor. Such is the divine power that works for us.

Oh, my trembling brethren, let us rest in the Lord, for this powerful One is our Father. May He enable us to find rest from trouble by looking to the rest that is in Him and be comforted. May we trust in His love, wisdom and power, thus being delivered from useless worries! (Watchman Nee).

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