Hidden in God

Dear saints of God, let us not seek worldly fame; instead, let us hide ourselves in God. For all who pursue fame and self-glory are wounded by the devil. How safe and restful are those who hide themselves in the hands of the Lord.
It is abnormal for the saints of God to seek after worldly glory. All who truly love the Lord are unwilling to be someone great in the world. Nevertheless, many among the believers are seeking high places and are allowing themselves to be called “rabbi” in the assemblies of God's people.

The problem with believers in this regard lies not in the world but in the church. How wise is our Lord! He has already told us to call ourselves brethren and nothing else (Matt. 23:8). Alas, many even among the leading brothers want to be called big brothers. Unless we allow the Holy Spirit to work the spirit of the cross into us, we cannot avoid having an evil heart in wanting to be famous.

Many assume that the world can only be found in the world, they not realizing that the world can also be in the church – even in believers' hearts. Such evil hearts will not be eliminated without believers being truly dead to the world. Only saints who are truly joined to the Lord in co-death on the cross can die to the world in the church and in the heart.

It is a matter of the heart not to seek for a worldly name. If in fact the Lord should place us in a prominent position, we should not draw back. Unfortunately, the fame we obtain is what we thereafter will seek more of; so that deep down in our hearts we covet fame.

If, however, we are willing to rest in the Lord, seek only for God's pleasure, and disregard man's opinions, then we are able to occupy whatever position God has placed us in and find rest. The restful place is where the Lord wants us to arrive at. To be hidden in God is not the same as withdrawal; nor is it a strategy for gaining fame; nor is it even a case of hiding: it is simply resting in the bosom of God. (Watchman Nee).

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