An Approved Worker

“Study to show thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word if truth” (2 Timothy 2:15, KJV).

Our mental capacity will never know their full wealth of power and spiritual effectiveness until they become simply the vessels of His quickening life, and these brains of ours are laid at His feet simply as the censers which are to hold His holy fire.

He will think in us, remember in us, judge in us, impart definiteness and clearness to our conceptions of truth, give us the tongue of fire, the illustration that both illuminates and melts, the accent and tone of persuasiveness and sympathy, the power of quick expression and utterance, and all the equipment necessary to make us “workmen that need not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth.” Not of course without diligent and faithful attention to His wise and holy teaching, as He leads us in His work to see at once our own shortcomings and His full purpose for us.

We must be taught of God, and teaching is sometimes very gradual, and even slow; but “He will guide us into all truth,” and “perfect that which concerneth” our education and preparation for His work and will; and the mind that the Holy Spirit quickens and uses shall accomplish results for God which all the brilliancy of human genius and the scholarship of human learning can never approach. (A.B. Simpson).

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