In the School of God

"That your faith, being tried, which is more precious than gold ... may be found unto praise and glory and honor at the appearing of Jesus Christ" (1 Pet. 1:7).

By allowing an unpleasant event in my life, the Lord compels me to ask Him for help. He answers me, and thus not only makes my faith stronger, but gives me a living knowledge of Himself, which I could never have acquired otherwise.

One must weep to know Him who comforts, be troubled to discover Him who reassures, be in danger to find Him who protects and delivers.

Through my needs I learn to know Christ, His power, His love and His concern for me. This is probably the explanation for most of my trials.

Yes, daily life, by its own difficulties, is an irreplaceable school. It enables me to acquire an experiential knowledge of my Lord, a knowledge that will produce eternal praise. Thus, when my life on earth is ended, in heaven I will not be received by a distant Lord, but by a beloved Savior, a well-known Friend. (LBS).

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