Christ, our victory

"Moreover, he who is the glory of Israel will not lie, nor repent, for he is not a man that he should repent" (1 Sam. 15:29).

In the book of Samuel, when speaking of Israel's glory, the expression glory can also be translated as hope or victory. The victory of Israel, that is, the victory of the children of God, is not something that is achieved through many experiences or circumstances. The victory is actually a Person: Christ.

Glory is also equivalent to strength. Sometimes we have a lot of natural strength, and the Lord has to weaken us. That is correct. That is where the word of the cross, of brokenness, makes sense, because the Lord is already within and it is necessary for Him to be expressed.

The Lord propitiates different circumstances so that we are weakened. Only then can he manifest himself in a greater way and become strong in us. Behold, he is the hope, the glory, the victory, the robustness, the consistency, the solidity, the tenacity, the endurance, the endurance, the virility, the strength, the energy, the virtue, the efficacy, the power, the might, the strength, the consolidation of Israel. All this is Christ! It is not us, but "Christ in us, the hope of glory" (Col. 1:27).

Victory is not a subject to be treated, a doctrine to be spoken of, nor a method to be followed, but a blessed Person, Jesus Christ! Victory, therefore, is not the product of our carnal experience. The Lord becomes our experience, for he came into our spirit and from there he manifests himself when we willingly consent to it.

Nor does victory depend on what we are, but rather on Christ living in our place. And that is not a utopia, but a reality. It is all possible, because the Lord is real, his work is real, his death is real, his resurrection is real and his exaltation is real. And the outpouring of his Spirit is also real.

Therefore, we are not without weapons, nor without defense, nor without glory, nor without strength. We have the One who is the strength, the power, the life and the victory of Israel, so that our hearts may also be encouraged, and so that the Lord may find a people prepared!

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