Failure of Christianity?

"If you continue in my word, you are truly my disciples" (John 8:31).

For 2000 years, the teaching of the Bible has inspired a good number of laws aimed at defining a just and harmonious framework for life in society. But these laws are often ignored, transgressed; social injustice, violence, immorality are the dominant characteristics of today's society. In this field, the so-called Christianized countries give a rather sad example to other nations. Moreover, today new laws authorize what God reproves.

Should we conclude that Christianity has failed and that evil has triumphed over good? No, because it is not the teaching of Christ that has failed, but the inhabitants of these countries. As a whole, they have not believed, much less lived, the teaching of the One whose name they bear. One can speak well of Christian morality, but one does not love Christ who is the source, the model and the strength of it.

We who claim to be Christians, are we aware that this name links us to Christ (James 2:7). To be a Christian it is not enough to appear in the registry of a church. What is vital is to have your name written in the Book of Life, to be admitted into the presence of the Lord (Rev. 21:27). This contains the name, which no one can erase, of all true Christians, those who have been redeemed by the blood of Christ.

If my name is written there, I am responsible for living today as a Christian, that is, following the model: Jesus Christ. (LBS).

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