Good and Evil

"Woe to those who call evil good and good evil; that make light darkness, and darkness light; who put bitter for sweet, and sweet for bitter! …Hate what is bad, pursue what is good" (Is. 5:20; Rom. 12:9).

In Christianized countries, until recently, the collective conscience still recognized a distinction between good and evil, founded on the teaching of the Bible, although many did not know it or recognize its authority. Today, on numerous points that the Bible condemns, it is forbidden to say: "It is wrong". The distance from God and a more or less marked atheism erase all moral reference. Even more, under the pretext of secularism, of freedom, the rebellion against God is gaining ground.

But the Bible, the Word of God, remains the immutable reference of the Christian who wants to be faithful. It always teaches him what is right and what is wrong in the eyes of God. It shows him the attitude that he should have in the face of what is wrong. It leads him to do good in his relationships with his peers.

God does not ask the believer to try to improve a situation that the Word condemns, nor to behave in the world as if it were in order, nor to get used to things that dirty the mind. Even in the midst of an immoral world, God teaches the believer a path of purity approved by Him. The Christian learns to discern it through faith, for his own good (Hebrews 5:14). It is the path that Jesus the Savior, the perfect man, laid out (Acts 10:38).

Christians, let us remember the prayer Jesus prayed for those he saved: "I do not ask that you take them out of the world, but that you keep them from evil" (John 17:15). – LBS.

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