Two Kinds of Riches

"Do not lay up treasures on earth, where moths and rust corrupt, and where thieves break in and steal; but lay up for yourselves treasures in heaven" (Matthew 6:19-20).

Often overwhelmed by the sheer number of daily activities, we risk forgetting that time is a precious commodity that inevitably goes away. Our life is a bit like the flame of a candle that is lit when we are born and then burns out. Every day brings us closer to the time when it will go out. Everything we have is doomed to disappear in the more or less near future. We will have to say goodbye to material goods, skills, reputation... Death will make us leave this world of beings and matter forever! And we must reflect on it.

So, before this deadline, how to wisely use the life that was given to us, before it is totally consumed? The Bible declares that "things seen are temporary, but things unseen are eternal" (2 Cor. 4:18).

The Word of God also distinguishes two types of riches, and it is essential to know what it is that differentiates them. Earthly riches, those that are seen, are fleeting: money, success in all its forms, but also a long life without major problems, good health, a family.

Spiritual riches, which are not seen, are permanent: God's forgiveness, the assurance of salvation, eternal life, the fact that God adopted us as his children thanks to the work of Jesus Christ his Son.

True wisdom consists in seeking these riches, which retain their value for eternity. (LBS).

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