A Renewed Will

"To do your will, O my God, is my desire, your law is within my heart" (Psalm 40:8).

There are many Christians to whom it appears impossible to think of accepting all the will of God or of their being one with it. They look upon God's will and see a thousand commands and numberless providential orderings.

They imagine that they would need to be a thousandfold holier and stronger in grace, before being able to do or bear all of God's will. They don't understand that the difficulty comes from their misunderstanding of God's will. They look at it as at variance with their natural will and feel that natural will will never delight in God's will.

They forget that the Christian has a renewed will. This new will delights in the will of God, because it is born of it. This new will sees I he beauty and the glory of God's will, and is in harmony with it.

If they are indeed God's children, the very first impulse of the spirit of a child is surely to do the will of the Father in heaven. And they have but to yield themselves heartily and wholly to this spirit of sonship, and they need not fear to accept God's will as theirs. (Andrew Murray).

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