Too Soon or Too Late?

Among the many excuses that are often heard for not seeking God, there are the justifications of two types of people.

There are those who want to do like the criminal who said to the Lord Jesus on the cross: "Remember me when you come into your kingdom". They want to wait until their agony, their last moments of life, to ask for mercy. In the meantime, they just want to enjoy the world, they want to freely dispose their whole life for themselves and be saved at the last moment just to escape from hell.

But there are also other types of people. They are those who have already reached old age, and who regret having sought God so late, and having wasted his life. They say: “I have wasted all my life in delights; It's too late for me". They evaluate their works and realize that what they fought for was not worth it.

But, both the indifference of one and the belated reflection of the other are useless. He who waits for the last day must know that he has not bought his life, and he cannot know if he will have that last moment of lucidity to repent. Death may come violently and unexpectedly. How many die like this, without managing to utter a single word! And after death there is no salvation, but only judgment.

He who regrets his delay in believing, should know that he can still find relief from his sorrows, find the joy that was so elusive, if he surrenders himself into God's hands. Still he can take advantage of his last days.

We are in the precise time to seek God. Let's not postpone this decision. The Lord Jesus said: "Repent, and believe in the gospel" (Mark 1:15). It is necessary to believe that Jesus is the Son of God, and that there is life in his name. You still have the opportunity to add wisdom to your days!

"If you confess with your mouth that Jesus is Lord, and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved" (Rom. 10:9).

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