Touch the Living God

"Therefore we all, beholding with unveiled face as in a mirror the glory of the Lord, are changed from glory to glory into the same image, as by the Spirit of the Lord" (2 Cor. 3:18).

What motivates believers to live today? Are we guided by a few concepts of morality to do what is good and not do what is bad? Truly, if we do not touch the living God and do not enter into real communion with him, nothing and no one can sustain us.

The meat can be lifted with great force. A mother's cry is not enough. The loving advice of a father either. Still the son strays, still the daughter leaves. Not even biblical teaching can save you in the hour of temptation, when your passions arise. Nothing and no one can save you, unless you really touch the Lord.

If we do not meet face to face with the One who knows everything, if we do not come into living contact with the Lord, who will support us, what advice can he keep for us? We need our eyes to be opened like Job's. We need to go up the mountain, like Moses, and be face to face with God. Only the reality of the communion that Moses had with God enabled him to live through those terrible days.

However, as glorious as Moses' experience of receiving God's instructions and having a direct impression from Almighty God, there is still greater glory in store. In the New Covenant appears the most eminent glory, the glory that remains, which is Christ.

"For the Lord is the Spirit; and where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is freedom. Therefore, we all…". Before he was just one man, now it's all of us. Blessed glory is this!

The glory of Moses was extinguished in time; Israel was again a captive people. But blessed be the most eminent glory that has come to all of us who belong to Christ! "All of us, who with uncovered faces reflect the glory of the Lord as in a mirror, are transformed into his likeness with more and more glory, by the action of the Lord who is the Spirit".

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