A Glorious Name

"O Lord, our Lord, how glorious is your name in all the earth" (Ps. 8:1, 9).

In a time when men are blaspheming the name of the Lord, the psalmist can only express his amazement at his greatness. Despite being a poet, he does not find the right words to express his dignity. All he can do is exclaim, "How glorious!"

This ineffable excellence is found "in all the earth". Surely this is an echo of Genesis 1, where everything God saw "was good".

The author also concludes the Psalm with a tribute to the excellence of the Name, without a single mention of the fall of man. If we had written it, we would have felt compelled to cite the fact.

However, God is immutable, and for the psalmist not even Adam's sin could reverse God's intention for man to "rule". This is where the Lord Jesus intervenes. Hebrews 2 illuminates Psalm 8 for us. Jesus is that Man, and he has already solved the problem of sin. In him all God's desire has been consummated, and he is linked to us. There is no deviation in the ways of God: they are fulfilled inexorably. "O Jehovah, how glorious is your name!". (Watchman Nee).

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