So Close To Me

"And his master took Joseph, and put it in jail, where the king's prisoners were, and was there in jail. But Jehovah was with Joseph and extended his mercy, and gave him grace in the eyes of the chief of the prison" (Genesis 39:20-21).

Many times we face very sad and painful experiences; then our faith tends to falter and our soul and thoughts make us feel that God has forgotten us, that he has moved away from us, that he has abandoned us. We wonder why the Lord allows these things to happen to us.

That is not something new; it is not a product of modern times. Many years ago a good man had to experience that. He experienced it so that we could see his example today and gain strength with his testimony.

Joseph was a wonderful young man. Of pure heart, of noble feelings, of good behavior. However, he went to jail unfairly after being a slave, in a sad and cruel way. He could ask in jail what a remote place God had gone; why God had allowed him to happen to him all those painful and bitter things.

But, beyond what Joseph could understand, feel or experience about the presence, help and company of God, the Bible says: "But Jehovah was with Joseph, and extended his mercy, and gave him grace".

Sometimes we feel evil very close to us; it is like an invisible, but very real threat, around us, of which we are intensely aware. At that time fear takes over us and we feel faint, we experience great weakness. The latter is nothing more than a great deception of our enemy, because, in truth, in such circumstances, the Lord is very close to us, covering us with mercy and filling us with grace. The harder the test, the more love, compassion and forces we receive from our Lord.

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