The Rock That Accompanies Us

After leaving Egypt and crossing the Red Sea, the people entered the desert and thirsted. In the beginning of our Christian life, only in the desert does God manage to speak to the heart (Hosea 2:14).

The first time God gave them water from a bitter spring that turned sweet, but the second time the water sprang from a rock. And this rock was Christ (1 Cor. 10:4). Wherever the people went, Christ also went. The rock was smitten so that we could drink from the fountain of life.

But in those days there was a third episode related to the lack of water that also brings a very precious teaching for us (Num. 20:2-13). The first time, God told Moses to smite the rock with the rod, but this time, for him to take the rod and speak to the rock. The rock had already been wounded, and it was to be wounded only once. Now God wants to heal and not hurt, now he wants to heal and sanctify his people through his Word (Ps. 107:20).

But Moses disobeyed. He struck the rock twice. How many times have we not taken this same attitude? Instead of using the word of God to heal, we use it to hurt our brothers. Twice. We hurt the Lord and we hurt the church, which is his body (Acts 9:5).

Even when the people are in rebellion, as the nation of Israel was in Meribah, we cannot get angry and hurt the church with his Word. In every situation, the Lord's servant must always correct meekly, because the Rock will always be available to all, to give water and provide grace to every thirsty man.

This Rock accompanies us and will accompany us to the end, giving purifying and sanctifying waters. May each one of us look to the blessing of the Rock and not to the sin of the people. May we help the people to wait, to trust, and to take water from it whenever necessary.

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