With All Our Being

"Then you will call on me, and you will come and pray to me, and I will hear you; and you will seek me and find me, because you will seek me with all your heart" (Jeremiah 29:12-13).

Sometimes we pray to God and ask him to help us with some particular need. After a certain time we do not see any response and we think that God did not listen to us. We wonder why while thousands of assumptions are debated in our hearts.

Have we come to think some of those times that it was all because we did not seek God with all our hearts? But... what does it mean to seek God with all your heart? Surely, all those souls who sincerely wanted to honor God, serve him and be faithful to him, have asked themselves this question many times with the intention of being better Christians.

First of all, it must be included in the answer that a wholehearted search is characterized by true diligence, by a sense of promptitude that involves all our might, desires, and sincerity.

However, there is something else that characterizes those who seek God with all their hearts, and it is, especially, a primarily disinterested search for personal benefits. We seek God with all our hearts when we feel a strong need for his presence, his friendship and his love, when our hearts are empty of ourselves but filled with a deep desire to see him, to contemplate him, to hear him, to feel him, to kiss him.

Many times we do not search for him wholeheartedly, but rather desperately, which is not necessarily the same thing; in such cases our need becomes stronger, more important and a priority than our own God. Never in our prayers should our problems take a more prominent place than God. Seeking God represents an effort, but above all, a deep and tender longing for his presence.

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