Isaac's God

"And he called Abraham the name of that place, Jehovah will provide. Therefore it is said today: On the mountain of the Lord it will be provided" (Gen. 22:14).

It is said that the only question Isaac ever asked, by his own choice, was: "Where is the lamb for the burnt offering?" (v. 7). The answer was categorical: "God will provide".

This is typical of the life of Isaac, whose privilege as heir was simply to receive what his father willingly gave him. He had no need to dig wells; the most he managed to do was reopen those that his father had dug.

Nor did Isaac have the decisive say in his own marriage. He was not consulted about her future wife, and he made no effort to find her. Even the very grave where he would be buried had been acquired by his father.

Like Isaac, we were born into a wealthy home. What God our Father has provided for us, we must receive. Isaac's God is our God, and is he not the God who provides? (Watchman Nee).

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