The First Fruits

"These were redeemed from among men as firstfruits to God and to the Lamb" (Rev. 14:4).

Fukien, my home province, is famous for its oranges. I would say (although with some prejudice) that there are no other oranges like them in the whole world.

When looking at the hills, at the beginning of the season, the whole landscape looks green. But looking more closely, scattered here and there, some oranges that have color begin to appear. It is wonderful to see those touches of color standing out against the dark green of the foliage.

With the passage of time the entire crop will mature and the grove will take on a golden color, but at this time it is the first fruits that are collected. They are taken by hand and reach the best prices on the market, three times higher than normal prices.

We are certain that all believers will come to maturity in some way. Meanwhile, the Lamb seeks the first fruits for its hour of greatest demand.

(Watchman Nee)

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