God Will Laugh at Them

"Why do people riot?" (Ps. 2:1).

The answer is immediately given: "The princes will consult together against Jehovah and against his anointed". Despite the violent hostility that exists between them, the governments are united in heart on one particular point: they oppose the kingdom of Christ.

We consider some nations to be good and others to be bad, but the Scriptures tell us that the "ruler of this world" is behind them all. Incited by him, the rulers of the earth seek today only absolute freedom from the sanctions imposed by the law of Christ. They no longer want love, humility or truth, and they cry out: "Let us break their bonds and throw off their cords".

This is the only place in Scripture where we are told that God laughs. His King has already been set on his holy mountain! The early church was fully aware of the dominion of Christ.

Today, more than ever, we must remember this truth. Soon, perhaps in our generation, he will rule the nations with a rod of iron. Our mission is to beg men to be prudent and seek refuge from him.

(Watchman Nee).

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