Trust in Divine Providence

"You prepare a table before me in the presence of my enemies; you anoint my head with oil; my cup overflows" (Ps. 23:5).

Our brother Paul made a great and noble statement when he wrote to the Philippians. To those who, in material things, were the only ones who supported him, he had the courage to say: "I have received everything and I have abundance".

Paul gave no hint of his need, but took the position of the wealthy son of a wealthy Father, and he had no fear that by doing so he might deter the brothers from future remittances.

It may be quite pertinent for an apostle to say to an unbeliever in need: "I have neither silver nor gold". But it would not be appropriate to say the same words to believers who would be willing to respond to any request for help.

It is a dishonor to the Lord when one of his representatives makes his needs known in a way that causes pity on the part of his hearers. If we have a living faith in God, we will always glory in him.

(Watchman Nee).

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