Why He Saved You?

"By the grace of God, I am what I am" (1 Cor. 15:10).

Have you managed to see clearly the way in which God has acted with respect to your life? Have you not marveled at the way he has acted, choosing you from the crowds around you, making you his property?

I think about this frequently. I was saved when I was a student. I had more than four hundred companions, and out of all of them, God's choice fell on me. How could he do this? I was lost in a huge crowd, and out of all of them, God chose me. How could this happen?

When we think of the wonderful way his grace reached us, we fall at his feet in adoration and recognize that he, and he alone, is God.

Do you wonder why he saved you? Let me tell you that he saved you because saving you was his delight. Because he wanted it, he chose you and drew you to himself. So there is nothing left to do, just adore him.

(Watchman Nee).

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