Be Diligent

"Making the best use of time, because the days are evil" (Ephesians 5:16).

It is possible that, in the divine plan for you, today may be the most important day of your life. However, you could let it slip away like it was an ordinary day.

The man whose today is the same as his yesterday is not sensitive to God's clock. No servant of the Lord should be content with present achievements, for to be satisfied with them is to waste opportunities.

Let us suppose that today the Lord puts in my heart the desire to speak with a certain person, who in his providence is destined to be, within five years, a powerful instrument in his hands for the salvation of souls. Obeying him in this may be the most important service of my life. But if I don't do it for fear of the cold or for another trivial reason, I will have missed an opportunity and perhaps I will have lost an instrument for God.

The problem is serious, because such occasions do not stop to wait for us. They pass quickly. So when God moves, let us move with him. Let's not avoid any opportunity that God presents us.

(Watchman Nee).

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