Keep Your Sword

"But one of those who were with Jesus stretched out his hand and drew his sword, and striking a servant of the high priest, he cut off his ear. Then Jesus said to him, "Put your sword back into its place; for all those who take up the sword they shall perish by the sword" (Matthew 26:51-52).

There are many actions similar to "draw a sword", but none of them are good. It is not right to draw a sword to avenge ourselves. The Lord said it. To do so is the natural attitude of the carnal Christian; of the human being when he is offended and therefore seeks to defend himself or take revenge; This is how Balaam wished it: "Because you have mocked me. I wish I had a sword in my hand, that now I would kill you!" (Numbers 22:29).

The spiritual Christian renounces revenge and trusts in the Lord. And he does it by an act of faith; knowing that the Lord is an avenger of those who fear him. But, in addition, "draw the sword" ensures death by the sword; we all reap the same actions, attitudes, words and judgments that we sow.

When we take revenge on ourselves, we open a cycle that will not close. With the same rod that we measure we will be measured, and violence only generates more violence. On the other hand, "drawing the sword" prevents God's will from being fulfilled in us; retaliating using our own means, methods, strength or sagacity, prevents the Lord from doing his work in us and, therefore, from being able to radiate his grace and his power.

Resembling Christ, being like him, reaching spiritual maturity, going beyond the limits of what is merely human, weak, corrupt and carnal and growing in greatness, glory, virtue and maturity, is only possible if we keep our swords.

Let us leave the offenses received in the hands of God. He will know how to do what is right. Let us forgive and return our swords to his place.

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