This is the Blessing

"Lifting up his eyes to heaven, he blessed, and broke the loaves, and gave them to his disciples to set before them" (Mark 6:41).

Without a doubt, the fundamental need of our life and work for God is God's blessing upon them. There is no other need so important. What do we mean by the term “blessing”? The blessing is the work of God when there is no reason to explain his intervention.

For example, we know that for ten pesos we can only buy something worth ten pesos. But if we have not paid the ten pesos, and yet receive something worth a million pesos, we have no rational basis for our calculations.

When five loaves provide food for five thousand people and twelve baskets full of broken pieces remain, when, as it were, the fruit of our service is out of all proportion to what we have, that is a blessing.

Seen in another way, we could say that when we count our failures and weaknesses and realize that there should be no fruit of our labor, and yet there is such fruit, that is the blessing.

The blessing is the fruit that is out of all relation with what we are; it is such a result that it does not respond to the simple principle of cause and effect. The blessing comes when God works in a way that totally exceeds our calculations, for his name's sake. (Watchmann Nee).

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