You Have Little Strength

"I know your works; behold, I have set before you an open door, which no one can shut; for though you have little strength, you have kept my word, and have not denied my name" (Rev. 3:8).

One of the most visible characteristics of the man of our days is his concern for the care of the body. Never before has there been so much interest in sizes, weights, diets and body exercises. Yes, modern man cares a lot about the health and appearance of his physical body and devotes great attention, time and money to it.

The church of Christ does not escape this emphasis and interest. With slight variations in some cases, more aesthetic, more toned bodies are sought, but also stronger, more resistant. To the fair extent, and within healthy and normal limits, I believe that such interest can be profitable; After all, our body is the temple of the Holy Spirit.

But when the care of the body is established as a priority over the cultivation of the spiritual life (or anything else), there is a danger of serious consequences. More important than a strong body is a vigorous spirit in faith and in communion with God. The church of Philadelphia and its pastor teach us that despite the few forces, the few resources, the little power, it is possible to be faithful to God, this being what honors Him the most.

David Brainerd is a great example of this. Of a gaunt and sickly frame, he died very young, at the age of 29, as a result of tuberculosis. Yet despite his physical weakness, in his short life he accomplished far more than most do in old age. His biography alone fueled the lives of many great men of God such as Adoniram Judson, William Carey, and Robert Murray M'Cheyne, who went as missionaries to Burma, India, and Israel respectively.

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