When the Earth Rules Heaven

"Thus saith the LORD, the Holy One of Israel, and his Maker: Ask me of the things to come; command me concerning my children, and concerning the work of my hands" (Isaiah 45:11).

This is a most astounding statement. Are we surprised? Concerning His children and His work, God says: "Command me". People dare not utter this word, "Command me", for how can a man ever command God?

All who know God understand that no presumptuous word should ever be uttered before God. Yet he himself offers us his word: "Command me concerning my children, and concerning the work of my hands". This is nothing else but that God allows Earth to rule Heaven.

Obviously, in no way can this imply that we can force God to do what he does not want to do; in no way. Rather, it simply means that we can command Him to do what He wishes to do. And on this basis we will affirm ourselves.

Because we know God's will, we can say to Him: "Lord, we want You to do this, we are determined that You will do it; You cannot but do it". And so our prayer will be strong and powerful.

How much we need to ask God to open our eyes so that we can understand how His work is being done in this dispensation! For during the present age, all God's works are based on this principle: Heaven desires to do, but will not act immediately; Heaven waits for Earth to do first, then to act. Heaven will move only after Earth has moved. For God wants Earth to rule Heaven. (Watchman Nee).

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