I Did Not Expect That

"My beloved had a vineyard on a fertile hillside. He had fenced it in and cleared stones and planted it with choice vines; he had built a tower in the midst of it, and made a winepress in it also; and he expected it to give grapes, and it gave wild grapes" (Isaiah 5:1-2).

I like to photograph small things. I feel a special attraction for insects and, among these, for butterflies. A young man from church once gave me the chrysalis of a Danaus Plexippus. I took her home, placed her in a suitable container, and waited for several days for her to hatch.

But something was wrong, because when the indicated time was up, instead of being born a Monarch butterfly, what surprisingly came out of the chrysalis, through a small hole, was a group of small black wasps. Their mother had deposited her eggs in her young pupa so that her children would feed on her, thus killing the future butterfly. It was the typical case of parasitism of Hymenoptera on Lepidoptera. I expected a Monarch to be born, I longed for that day to take the photograph... But wasps were born!

Something similar, but with terrible implications, not material but spiritual, happened with the nation chosen by the Lord. He had turned up the earth, removed the stones and planted seeds of the best quality; he therefore expected his sons to produce sweet grapes, but he only harvested sour grapes from them.

Likewise in us, God through His Holy Spirit, has planted in our spirits seeds of love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, faith, meekness and self-control, and expects to reap the fruit from us. of those seeds. Unfortunately, many times he only finds bad fruits, results that he did not expect.

“Lord: I do not want to bear bad fruit or disappoint you. Help me not to. I wish to produce only fruits that glorify your holy name and that please you in everything".

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