The King's Table

In ancient times, kings honored certain special guests by giving them a place at their table, as a sign of trust. So it was with young David, the guest of honor at King Saul's table. However, when Saul tried to kill David, David absented himself from the king's table. "Then Jonathan said to him: Tomorrow is a new moon, and you will be missed, because your seat will be empty" (1 Sam. 20:18).

Today, those of us who have received Christ in our hearts are called to the King's table. He wants to be intimate with us. If we don't come, there will be an empty place at his table, and he will notice it. Perhaps to some of us the Lord says today: "I have missed you, where were you? You have not had fellowship with me, you have not sat at my table".

Paul met the Lord on the road to Damascus. Before beginning his ministry, he did not go immediately to Jerusalem, but to Arabia, to the desert (Gal. 1:15-17). There, separated from the world, he fed on the living bread, on the word of God. There, Christ was revealed in him.

Are you going through the desert today, through brokenness? Remember: it is not for loss. In that dryness, you will be able to eat and drink of Christ. There is a table ready for you. He himself will be your livelihood. We need to go to that communion alone with the Lord, and "know nothing except Jesus Christ, and him crucified."

"Go quickly through the squares and streets of the city, and bring here the poor, the crippled, the lame and the blind... Go through the roads and the fences, and force them to enter, so that my house may be filled" (Luke 14:21, 23). In the parable of the great dinner, the first guests declined the invitation; each one had to attend to his own affairs, ignoring that the Lord is first in everything. Then the neglected, the discarded were brought; we Gentiles. How wonderful is the grace of God! There was still room. If one day it were said: "There is no more place", what would become of us? Therefore, today is the acceptable time; let us not ignore the call. The Lord wants his house to be full. Tomorrow could be late, and many will have missed the party.

The Lord wants to have fellowship with you and me, with all his own. We have nothing to do, just go, because he has arranged everything. Jesus is our livelihood; whoever eats and drinks from it will be satisfied. "So I assign you a kingdom, as my Father assigned it to me, that you may eat and drink at my table in my kingdom" (Luke 22:29-30). There is room there for us. We are called to dine with him, to be intimate with him. Let's not commit the foolishness of losing our place.

"Let us rejoice and be glad and give him glory; for the marriage of the Lamb has come” (Rev. 19:7). These words of the Lord encourage us. At the time of our pilgrimage here, we will have afflictions. But let us rejoice and be glad. We will be at the marriage supper of the Lamb! He has rescued us and clothed us with salvation. Let's heed his call. May our hearts always be ready to have fellowship with him.

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