The Spiritual Autumn

"Everything has its moment; everything that happens under heaven happens according to a plan." (Ecclesiastes 3:1).

Autumn is the time when the plant delivers its fruit. Silently she was absorbing water and nutrients through her roots, transforming solar energy into the long-awaited fruit.

This is the time most desired by the farmer. And although it is a time full of blessings for him and his family, it is relatively short when considering the duration of it compared to the rest of the seasons put together.

The Dictionary of the Royal Spanish Academy defines the word autumn as follows: "Period of human life in which it declines from fullness towards old age." And this is what autumn symbolizes in the life of a Christian. In a melancholic way and sad, we feel that we have reached our goal, at the end of our career.

And it is possibly the time when we are most mistaken with respect to God and His way of manifesting himself to us in the different spiritual seasons, because when autumn arrives we must remember that our leaves will fall but only to be renewed, since the cycle of the seasons of God must start again.

Each leaf of our life that falls, each piece of our life that dies, each area of us that has already accomplished a mission, only tells us of new and green leaves that will flourish in our soul, of new things that will come to life and color and new missions from our Lord Jesus Christ that will be delivered into our hands.

After each autumn, new winters, new springs, new summers will come… We will start again! All before the arrival of the final autumn, that great day when we will see Him face to face.

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