The Spiritual Summer

"Everything has its moment; everything that happens under heaven happens according to a plan" (Eccl. 3:1).

Summer sometimes becomes almost suffocating. All moisture is exhausted, great droughts occur, extreme heat is produced because the sun's rays fall on the earth with maximum perpendicularity.

But, in spite of the rigor of the high temperatures, this is the season of greatest activity inside a plant, since many chemical reactions are generated in the protoplasm of its cells, and much energy is consumed from the radiant sun that shines splendidly on it.

Now, as for its relation to the spiritual life, this is the least desirable season for believers. In it, we look back, and wish to return to earlier stages. With nostalgia, we long for the return of better times; we do not feel the freshness of the Holy Spirit, and we show only dry and lifeless branches.

However, this is the time when God is closest to us. He knows that we need His help the most. Metaphorically speaking, the Almighty's location in relation to us forms a straight line over our lives; that is why we feel so much warmth.

It is the time when we could have a better relationship with God; it is the propitious time to worship Him in spirit and in truth, to know Him more deeply. It is a time of great spiritual activity, because, due to the pressures exerted on the Christian, he turns his face towards his Lord, seeking help and encouragement.

Therefore, when the spiritual summer covers you, raise your hands to Him, who will surely take yours. He is the pillar of fire but He is also the pillar of cloud that rests upon His people.

José R. Frontado

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