"Tell Archippus..."

"Tell Archippus: “See to it that you complete the ministry you have received in the Lord" (Col. 4:17).

"Tell" is an imperative, a command to communicate something to someone. Here, it is a command expressing God's will for a man. Surely God had already spoken to this man's heart, but he has been slow to respond, or else he has become so relaxed that he is unable to understand what the Lord is demanding of him. God then turns to someone to go in His name and tell him in an audible voice what He expects of him.

The letter in which this command appears is addressed to the church in Colossae, so the apostle expects the church to exhort, encourage or, perhaps, rebuke this servant, so that he may resume his service to the Lord and to the Body. The church should be watchful and concerned when a servant is not fulfilling his ministry. What does he need? What is holding him back? How can we help him to be restored, if he has fallen from grace?

"...to Archippus". In Paul's tender letter to Philemon, Archippus is mentioned along with Philemon and the beloved Apphia, suggesting that he may have been the son of both. The church is mentioned next, and in a general way, so that Philemon, Apphia and Archippus seem to be the householders. "Archippus, our fellow soldier", Paul says. That means that together they had fought the good fight. He was part of the apostolic team that had carried the gospel and founded and built churches throughout the region.

Archippus was a man who knew the will of the Lord; yet, for some reason, today he is detained and not fulfilling his ministry. The exhortation to service implies that such impediments can be removed, that they are not disqualifying things for life. It also means that the servant is in a position to exercise such ministry, only that he must be encouraged to do so.

"See" is a word that expresses a call for attention. What are you doing with your life, Archippus? How are you spending your time? What about your gifts are not being properly exercised? Are you slacking off? Have you lost the passion you once reflected toward the person of the Lord? There is so much need in Colossae and throughout the region, and you are not moved?

"Take heed to yourselves and to all the flock", Paul told the elders at Ephesus and Miletus (Acts 20:28), in an exhortation to vigilance regarding the relaxation of the standards of faith, holiness and faithful service to the Lord that would be coming upon the churches. "Take heed", we are told in Hebrews 12:15, "lest ... there spring up a root of bitterness ... many be defiled".

Joining these two exhortations to look that the Scriptures give us, we can say to today's Archippus: "Brother, do not stand still chewing bitterness; arise, for today the glory of your Lord must shine in you. Something of Christ must be expressed for you right now in the midst where you live". As a beloved servant of the Lord said: "The trumpet of the angel summons to the task".

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