Signs of the Times

Just as the climatic signs affect life on earth, so do the spiritual signs affect the children of men. The Jews were very clear that when the cloudy sky has clouds in the afternoon, the next morning there would be a storm; or that when the breeze blows from the south, the next day there would be good weather. In that, they knew the signs of the heavens. However, the Lord Jesus reproaches them for not having, at the same time, discernment to know the spiritual signs of the moment they were living.

Heaven is always doing something, and what Heaven does, has repercussions on earth. Heaven always has a work to do and men can collaborate in it, or hinder it. Therefore, the spiritual life does not consist only in trying to follow as faithfully as possible the guidelines that God gave in the past, it does not consist only in continuing to do what we are doing, but to discern what new day is coming, what signs the heavens are giving to the earth, what is the new day that God is bringing.

When the Lord Jesus came to his own, they did not know how to discern the spiritual signs of the times. That is why the Lord tells them: "You know how to discern the appearance of the heavens, but the signs of the times you cannot" (Matt. 16:3). They were still dancing to the tune of Moses, when God was bringing a new music, a new melody.

It is easy for us to look into the historical past and judge how our forefathers in the faith reacted to a new day of God. Sometimes we put ourselves in the position of harsh judges, because it seems to us that we see more clearly than they did, and that we -in their place- would have done better.

Of course, historical perspective helps us, but they did not have it. They lived in an elusive and changing present that surprised them. They only had at their disposal the spiritual tools of discernment, the same tools we have to discern our own day.

The Jews in Jesus' day did not know how to discern their day properly. That is why the Lord weeps over Jerusalem, and says to her: "Oh, if you also had known, at least in this your day, what is for your peace...", and adds: " did not know the time of your visitation" (Luke 19:42, 44). They did not know their day, and not knowing it, instead of aligning themselves with God, they "kicked against the goads".

Oh, how great is our responsibility! For we have very little time to properly discern what God is doing today, and to make the right decisions, and all eternity to regret it, if we get it wrong.

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