Living Like Little Birds

On many occasions we have heard the expression: "Living like little birds". The connotation that this phrase has in popular culture is related to the idea of living without responsibilities, without worrying about anything. In our society, this is considered as something negative, because man must worry and assume responsibilities in life. Issues such as working and thus being able to acquire what is necessary (or perhaps more than what is necessary) to feed and clothe ourselves, are commendable actions.

Let us take a closer look at this expression in the light of the words of our Lord Jesus, recorded in Matthew 6:26: "Look at the birds of the air, which neither sow nor reap nor gather into barns; and your heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not worth more than they?".

To live like little birds does not mean absence of responsibility, on the contrary. God does not bring the birds food to the nest. They go out in search of the sustenance that God has prepared for them and, through the capabilities that the Creator has given them, they can go and gather what they need in the right place. Therefore, the life of birds is not an irresponsible life.

The central issue here is concern for material things and not irresponsibility or laziness. Birds do not worry, they just go out in search of the food that, they know, has been prepared for that day. They go out, they go in search of it, but trusting that they will find it because they know their Creator. The life of birds is a life of absolute dependence, of confident waiting, of not worrying.

This is a great example for us, because we are always anxious about things to come and we do not know how to rest in God with respect to our plans and projects. Let us be like the little birds, let us trust in our God and Father, who knows our heart and knows what we need. He will provide what we need and He will also tell us where and how. Let us learn to know him and we will trust him much more. Let us only seek his kingdom and his will and wait upon him.

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