Resting without Fear

"He maketh me to lie down in green pastures; he leadeth me beside the still waters" (Psalm 23:2).

The Word figuratively uses sheep to describe us. The sheep is the most fragile and skittish animal of all. God has his reasons for describing us as sheep, for in some respects we are like them. The sheep is not only fragile, but very dumb. The habits of a sheep are very special and suitable to describe us. For example, there are various circumstances in which they fail to rest.

The first of these is that the sheep is very easily frightened; it is very nervous, it never feels safe. At the slightest noise or movement around them, regardless of the cause, they run away. When one of them starts to run, the others do the same, without knowing why.

Sheep are not only easily frightened, but their reaction to fear has immediate consequences for their physiology. For example, if a pregnant female has a slight startle, she may abort immediately.

Sheep are also very fragile; therefore, to give them true rest, the shepherd must give up his own rest. The shepherd keeps watch all night long, with his gun in his hands, and at the slightest noise, he makes his presence known. At the mere sight of the shepherd's shadow, the sheep is immediately reassured; all its fears disappear.

The second circumstance that prevents them from resting is discord. Normally the fat and strong sheep run over the weaker ones to get the best food. The weak ones eat little and, consequently, do not get to rest. However, the wonderful thing is that when the shepherd enters the corral, the eyes of all the sheep turn to him, forgetting the discord among them. Today, in the midst of the children of God, if we wish to repair the damage caused by discord, we have only one way: the very presence of the Lord.

The third circumstance in which the sheep do not find rest is caused by the annoyance of insects. In summer, the weather is hot and stifling, and flies and parasites appear and disturb the sheep, causing them to have no rest. Among the brothers, our flesh is often like insects or parasites located in the most sensitive parts, which make us lose our rest.

The fourth circumstance that prevents the sheep from resting is hunger. In order to have rest, she needs to be satisfied, that is why the shepherd looks for green pastures. The shepherd needs to take many measures to take good care of his sheep. The sheep must be well fed to be satisfied and at rest.

Today, people feel hungry, have an inner dissatisfaction, and are unable to obtain rest. But we believers can rest, because the Good Shepherd has already worked for us, preparing green pastures. In him, there is no reason to feel hungry, all our needs are satisfied. "The Lord is my shepherd; I shall not want" (Ps. 23:1).

From "A Vida Mais Abundante", Christian Chen.

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