Priestly Ministry

In John 17 we see the priestly ministry of our Lord Jesus Christ. As we read this chapter, we can appreciate what the true priesthood consists of. In the Old Covenant the role of the priests was stipulated. There we see how the high priest entered the Holy of Holies, dressed in his garments, on which the stones with the names of the twelve tribes stood out. These stones were carried both on the shoulders and in the heart. Whenever the high priest entered, it was as if all the people entered with him into the presence of God.

This prayer of John 17 shows us the true High Priest, of whom those of the Old Covenant were only a figure and shadow. This priesthood is our ministry today, not only of pastors and ministers, but of all believers, those who have others under their care. This priesthood covers many areas, both in the service as well as in the home. Let us look at some aspects.

First, "I pray for them" (v. 9). The prayer is on behalf of others; in this case, his own, his disciples, those under his care.

Second, "keep them in your name" (v. 11). What are they to be kept from? Later he will say: "I pray ... keep them from evil" (v. 15). There is an enemy lurking; therefore, they are to be kept. And this enemy strikes back and backstabbingly and treacherously. They did not know of these wiles; they could not yet take care of themselves, so it was necessary for their Master and Lord to take care of them.

Third, "I have given them thy word" (v. 14). They were to be instructed in the word of God. The Word is to be their guide, their north, as they walk through life. The priest is also a teacher of his own.

Fourth, "Sanctify them in thy truth, thy word is truth" (v. 17). They were to be delivered, not only from external enemies, but also from internal enemies. And that is what the word of God is for, which sanctifies us, washes us, purifies us from within. The Word is a sword that penetrates to the breaking of the soul of the spirit, it is a fire that burns the dross, it is a hammer that breaks the stone, it is a lamp and a light to guide us on the right path; it is food for the spirit, it is purified gold that enriches us with heavenly treasures.

Fifth, "through them I sanctify myself, that they also may be sanctified in truth" (v. 19). Not only does he ask that they be sanctified, but he himself is sanctified for their sake. This intercessory action is also experiential.

The father of the family is the priest of his house. Here we have seen some of his tasks as a priest: to pray for his family, to ask that they be kept from evil, to offer them the word of God, to ask that they be sanctified by that word, and finally, to live a set apart, holy life for their sake. How have we fared in this regard? We have probably failed on more than one point. It is necessary to take up this sacred ministry again, before the enemy of God takes advantage of us.

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