Two Kinds of People

There are many ways to classify people in the world. And each of them undoubtedly has an explanation and some utility. For example, there is the classification between men and women, between rich and poor, between literate and illiterate. There are societies separated into castes, so opposed to each other that no one would dare to cross the boundaries.

Each of the sciences classifies man and human groups into different categories in order to study them. From the religious point of view, we can classify mankind according to the great religions.

Such is the wide human variety. However, we need to know that, regardless of the human condition, for God there are only two kinds of people. Regardless of the human differentiation and the validity that man grants to it, God sees things differently. There are only two great human groups.

The Bible says: "He that hath the Son hath life; he that hath not the Son of God hath not life" (1 Jn. 5:12). The difference, here, is established by life. But it is not a question of biological life, for if it were, then the classification between the living and the dead, between those who breathe and those who have ceased to breathe.

Here we are talking about something much deeper, about spiritual life and death. It is not a question of breathing or not, but of having the Son of God or not having him. Those who have this life, even if they are dead, are not dead to God; and those who are alive, if they do not have the Son of God, are dead to God. As can be seen, the group of the living (for God) includes the living and the dead (biologically); while the group of the dead (for God) also includes the living and the dead (biologically).

There is, then, a very strong brotherhood among those who have the life of God, that is, the Son of God, whether they are alive or dead. It is a brotherhood that transcends time and space. In contrast, there is a very strong separation between those who have the life of God and those who do not, even if in practice they are living under the same roof. There may be blood ties (father-son; mother-daughter, etc.), whose value is temporary and passing.

And in another place the Bible says: "He who believes in him (Jesus Christ) is not condemned, but he who does not believe is condemned already" (Jn. 3:18). This clearly indicates the eternal transcendence of this separation between the living and the dead (spiritually), that is, between those who believe and those who do not believe in the Son of God. Do not look at the appearances of things; do not feel superior to another because you belong to a certain class. Rather, think about whether you are in the only class that matters: whether or not you have the Son of God.

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