To Settle or To Leave

In the book of Genesis we find Abraham, who is the prototype of those whom God has called to leave. He was to go out of Ur of the Chaldees, out of his father's house, to the place that God would indicate to him. His faith and obedience have been the example of all men and women of faith who have lived until today.

But in Genesis also appears Nimrod, who, unlike Abraham, settles in the land, being a model and example of the great ones of this world. Nimrod, a vigorous hunter before Jehovah, became the first mighty one on earth. He was the founder of cities in the valley of Shinar and in Assyria.

Establish or leave? These two men are the opposite poles of the great dilemma of man in his attitude towards the world.

If we follow Nimrod, then, let us settle down, let us establish cities, let us found great enterprises, let us be enterprising, let us enjoy ourselves, for the world awaits us in all its vastness and splendor. The world is to be conquered, its secrets discovered, its riches taken; all of it is a challenge to our creativity and drive.

If we follow Abraham's way, instead, we will judge that the world is under a curse, that its system is corrupt, that its riches are polluted, that its greatness and vanity are opposed to God. We will live without expecting anything from the world, without taking anything from it, as foreigners. We shall live as possessing nothing, and we shall walk looking beyond its horizon, despising its honors.

If we follow Nimrod we shall gain little; if we follow Abraham, we shall gain much. If we follow neither, if we remain undecided in the middle of both ways.... we will lose everything!

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