
The Lord Jesus is, without a doubt, the most perfect being that ever walked the earth. He never did evil nor was there any deceit in his mouth. For this very reason, he said that the Father never left him alone, because he always did what pleased him. How could it have been otherwise? His docile and reverent character before the Father, was it not perfect? His constant submission to the will of God enabled him to enjoy his pleasant communion always. The Father's hand touched him to encourage and defend him at all times. What full intimacy he enjoyed with his Father!

Yet you know that when the Lord Jesus was on the cross, he cried out with a loud voice, saying: "My God, my God, why hast thou forsaken me?". What a strange expression this was on his lips! And, what is more, it seems contradictory to what we have been saying. How could the Father forsake him, if the only thing that can separate a man from God is sin, and the Lord Jesus knew no sin? This is a heart-rending cry, an uncontainable expression that arises from the bowels of the Dying Man. It was the day of helplessness and anguish.

For us, the children of God, it is almost normal to lose communion with our Father because of sin, but not for Him. He was never far away, He never went astray, He never gave any reason to be left alone, that is why those words of the cross seem strange, almost absurd. However, they have an explanation, as everything God does. What happened, then, to that previous union between Father and Son? Please, I beg you, do not look for the cause in God, as if he had betrayed the Son, leaving him alone in the most difficult hour. Nor look for the explanation in the Son, as if he had ceased to please the Father.

Rather let us look for it in us, the sinners, whose sins he bore at that moment. The prophet Isaiah says it very well: "All we like sheep have gone astray, we have turned every one to his own way; but the Lord has laid on him the iniquity of us all". As a servant of God well says: "His wounds were deeper than the long nails of the Romans. His crushing was heavier than the weight of the cross. His punishment, more severe than death by crucifixion. The true anguish of His suffering is expressed in the verse: Jehovah hath laid on Him the iniquity of us all".

That is why the Father left him alone. It was our sins that separated him from God. Oh, what folly! Oh, what injustice was done to him! The just for the unjust! As the prophet also says: "He was taken away without defense or judgment, and who cared for his fate?" (Is. 53:8). The heavens were shaken, the earth was darkened, and the graves were opened. All of God's creation stopped breathing at that sublime moment.

This is the most moving and greatest scene in human history, for on that day the salvation of all who believe in him was sealed on the cross. If you believe that Jesus died for you, and receive the forgiveness that is by His blood, you will be saved, and God will receive you as His child.

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