Spiritual Service (2)

Spiritual service follows the cycles of life, both those of nature and of human life. Natural life, in its development, has an annual cycle. The seasons follow one after the other, and each has its usefulness and wisdom. No plant could skip one of the seasons, because it would affect its normal development. Spring and summer seem to us the most attractive seasons, there is the beautiful flower and the fruit; however, neither one nor the other could come to life, if it were not for autumn and winter.

In the Christian life there are also alternating periods of joy and sorrow, and each has its usefulness and wisdom. And the first period in our life of service is winter. There is the nakedness of our carnal life; the cold and desolation of our barren life; our raw and pitiful natural condition.

Then, when death has reached all areas of the plant, life arises, a new and powerful life. In a short time, this life will reach all corners, and transform itself into flowers and fruits.

All is joy and gladness, all is bright and shining; yet all this too has its days numbered. Autumn is approaching, so that the worn-out leaves will fall, and the death of winter will come. The cycle must close where it began.

Human life also has its own cycle, which begins with the loving union of two people. There is conception, life has begun; however, it begins in the silence of the womb. Life is hidden from the eyes of men, as if it did not exist.

So also in the spiritual. When the soul prostrates itself before the Lord, recognizing in Him its Master; when in that intimate colloquy a heart offers itself to its Savior to serve Him, the conception of a new life takes place. The fruit, no doubt, will come; but a time must come when nothing seems to exist. Each day that passes, something is interwoven in the mother's womb; a bone hardens, a muscle acquires robustness. Everything grows synchronously and marvelously. Nothing is stagnant; everything breathes the force of new life.

Meanwhile, outside, things are in order for the day of the manifestation of that life. Many things happen for the new life to find its proper habitat. If the child were born soon after conception, it would not be ready to face a new world, nor would the affections of those awaiting it be sufficiently mature.

There is wisdom in waiting; there is silence, but not of death; there is stillness, but not forever. Soon the beautiful fruit will be in evidence. Then all will see it and be amazed. All will radiate love.

Spiritual fruit is not like a passing mist; it is a plant that God has planted that cannot be removed. It gives shade to the weary and bread to the hungry. Service and spiritual fruit are miracles of God.

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