God's Ways and the Challenges of the End Time

"He declared His ways to Moses, and His works to the children of Israel" (Psalm 103:7).

In the history of God's people we find two kinds of people: those who only know His deeds and those who, in addition to that, know His ways. God's deeds are intended to lead us to know His power and sovereignty, but His ways are means to reveal His secrets and lead us to His higher purpose. To know only His deeds means to remain on the periphery of His calling, without knowing the purpose for which we were called.

The danger is in selfishly wanting to enjoy his power, his blessings, not seeking to know his ways and cooperate with his purpose. God's indignation was poured out on those who "always wander in their hearts ... and have not known my ways" (Heb. 3:10). In the wilderness fell thousands of those who insisted on walking in their own ways, instead of submitting to God's direction for the edification of their testimony; and all this served as an example for us, who are coming to the end of time (1 Cor. 10).

One of the greatest examples of deviation from the ways of the Lord is manifested through those conclusive words of Jesus: "And when he (Jesus) came near the city, when he saw it, he wept over it, saying, O that thou also hadst known, at least in this thy day, the things which are for thy peace! But now it is hid from thine eyes" (Luke 19:41-42). In spite of God having worked with His people for nearly 1600 years, preparing them for the coming of the Messiah, they understood neither His purpose nor His way of acting. God operated among them many signs that were like "flares" to help them walk in His ways; however, they were attached to the miracles and not to the Lord. They knew His works, but not His ways.

One cannot fail to perceive in Jesus' venting the tears that flowed from His heart lacerated by the blows of His people's contempt: "O Jerusalem, Jerusalem, that killest the prophets..." (Matt. 23:37).

Many times, miracles do not represent God's approval, but the ultimate instance of warning, operating in the physical world, to call the attention of the blind to the realities of the spiritual world.

God's blessings, His protection, material prosperity, multiplication of members and religious success were almost always used as tools in the devil's hands to manufacture the veil that separates God's people from the person of God and His purpose. Ministerial success blinds the understanding, when the compass that points to the right path is no longer the primacy of the Son of God, but our own enthronement and success. Behind the scenes of deception, the applause of blind men are Satan's messages to the ego of leaders seeking human recognition and glory.

Jerusalem did not recognize the time of God's visitation. Are we in a position to discern in what time we are living and in what way God is working? Will there be a messenger of the cross confronting us, proclaiming the judgment that is coming soon, and inviting us to turn to God's ways?

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