Early and Without Ceasing

Three times in the Scriptures the expression "early and without ceasing" is recorded, spoken by God through the prophet Jeremiah (26:5; 35:14; 44:4). The context of them has to do with the words of warning that time and again God had sent to his people, to turn from their evil way and return to him.

God had sent "early and without ceasing" his word through his prophets, but Israel had not heeded them. Now, through Jeremiah, there is no longer much to say, for the die is cast. Now comes the time to receive the just punishment for disobedience.

"Early". This means that God did not delay His word, but sent it in a timely manner, before the hearts of the people had grown irreversibly fat. However, Israel was not able to hear and obey. "Without ceasing". His voice was heard continually, to exhaustion, and with different nuances. God's voice had the magnificent note of an Isaiah, the delicate brushstroke of an Hosea, the gruff voice of an Amos, the flashing brilliance of an Ezekiel, and now, the dramatic dirge of a Jeremiah. In all forms and tones the Lord spoke to his people, but they did not listen.

God's prophets always make their voice heard before things happen, so that when they do happen, no one has an excuse, nor does anyone have arguments to accuse God. "For the Lord GOD will do nothing, except he reveal his secret to his servants the prophets" (Amos 3:7).

Today, as yesterday, God has his prophets in the world. True prophets do not proclaim themselves as such, nor do they seek to make a name for themselves among men. They desire only one thing, and that is to speak what God wishes to say, even if it costs them their lives. The prophets of God are those who have been in the secret of God, where they receive the burden which they then communicate to the world. They are not moved by the dictates of men, nor do they seek to please the multitudes, except God.

God's prophets have spoken "early and without ceasing", so that no one will be excused in that day. An adulterous generation such as this, a generation greedy for dishonest gain, a people of God polluted with the world and without spiritual strength, that is what God sees, and that is what the prophets denounce; a people of God who seek the applause of the world and who seek to imitate its achievements as if that would dignify the gospel.

The true prophets of God have been warning "early and without ceasing" about the dangers of a gospel without Christ and without a cross, designed only to flatter the senses, a gospel tailored to man, created for the media as a spectacle.

The prophets see the impure motivations of many so-called 'ministers' of God, who seek only to profit from the word of God. But their word has no tribune; their voice is drowned out in holy throats; their eyes exude tears. They are the present Jeremiahs, those who live the time of despair and captivity. The days of the darkest night, just before dawn.

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