The Way of John

The greatest man that the time of the law and the prophets produced was John the Baptist. That is why the Lord Jesus said of him that he was the greatest man born of woman (Matt. 11:11). His character was unique. He was a rough man who lived in the wilderness; his food consisted of locusts and wild honey; he possessed a holy and righteous character, so much so, that he "neither ate nor drank", that is, he did not defile himself with sinners. He was even violent in his zeal for righteousness, daring even to publicly rebuke King Herod for his sin.

The Lord says that John was the Elijah who was to come (remember that Elijah was the prophet of fire and judgment against the prophets of Baal). On another occasion, the Lord said that John's way was a way of righteousness (Matt. 21:32). He preached a gospel of repentance, which demanded righteousness even from publicans and soldiers, and announced coming judgments. This demand was very strong, if we consider that there was no true conversion, because the Holy Spirit had not yet descended.

Therefore, being the greatest prophet born of woman, "the least in the kingdom of heaven is greater than he", said the Lord. Why? John's way was not perfect. He followed righteousness alone, but without love. Love had not yet been revealed, because Christ had not yet died on the cross for the sinful world. Righteousness is the demand of God by which He demands a walk commensurate with His righteous character. The demand for righteousness is a severe demand made upon a man powerless to perform it.

The perfect, the balance, is the righteousness and love of God (Luke 11:42). Justice and love perfectly reflect the character of God. And it is in this balance that the children of God must walk. "In this the children of God are manifest, and the children of the devil: whosoever doeth not righteousness, and loveth not his brother, is not of God" (1 John 3:10). Even though John was more than a prophet -because he was the messenger before the Lord, and the one who prepared his way- he was less than the least in the kingdom of heaven.

John himself identifies himself with the friend of the bridegroom. The one who experiences the joys of the bridegroom is the bride, not the friend (Jn. 3:29). In this sense, every believer who is a member of the body of Christ, and who is called to be part of his bride, has a more privileged place than John. John's way is imperfect. John was the last and greatest prophet of the Old Covenant, but he is less than the least in the New.

The one who perfectly revealed to us the balanced character of God is Jesus Christ. He is the righteousness and love of God. He did not demand righteousness from us, but showed us the righteousness of God; he did not demand love from us, but showed us the love of God. He committed no sin; he was holy, both in deed and in word and intention. But he did not make that righteousness a demand for his own, without first making it a free gift for all.

Therefore, our model cannot be John but Christ.

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