Behind the World's Back

God acts behind the world's back. Rarely -very rarely- has a spiritual event had significance in world politics and government. We have before our eyes a complete historical chronology. Here are the most important dates and events according to human historiography. But what events of faith are recorded here? Few, very few.

Abraham is not mentioned, despite the fact that with him begins the recovery of God's testimony on earth. Joseph, the man who prefigured Christ better than anyone else, is not mentioned either. The great Hebrew prophets are missing. Of course, one should ask oneself: Who could be interested in the predictions of Isaiah about the Christ, or the laments of Jeremiah and Ezekiel about the apostasy of Israel? At that time only Greece and its sages fit.

The life and ministry of our Lord are scarcely noted, and His character seems absolutely irrelevant. We ask: what are the historical documents that enhance his figure? At the end of the first century, the chronology is filled with names of Roman emperors following one another, but, for example, John on Patmos, the revelation of Revelation and the death of the last apostle do not appear at all.

Where is Brother Lawrence, who has taught so many about how to stay in the presence of God? In the year of his birth was the first part of Don Quixote published... And John Bunyan, the author of "The Pilgrim", who has so blessed God's people? He was born in 1628, but only two minor political events are recorded that year. And Madame Guyon? She was born in 1648, but in her place only the birth of Wateau is recorded. Count von Zinzendorf, the great precursor of the missions, was born in 1700, but nothing is said about him. And the great John Wesley? His birth is not mentioned, but that of Benjamin Franklin three years later. The year 1714 Gluck is born, but nothing is said of George Whitefield.

Who will have greater relevance in the kingdom of heaven, the birth of Alexis de Tocqueville or that of George Müller, that of Henrik Ibsen or that of Andrew Murray, the death of Goethe or the birth of Hudson Taylor, the birth of José Hernández or that of Charles Spurgeon, the death of Mariano José de Larra or the birth of D.L. Moody, the birth of Maurice Chevalier or that of T. Austin-Sparks, the birth of George Orwell or that of Watchman Nee?

Of course -you will say- it is absurd to look for names where they are obviously not going to be. The world has its own interests, very different from those of God. Well, that is precisely what it is all about. To see how far apart their ways are. But the day will come when the great will be called great, and the small will be called small. For "that which men count lofty things are abomination in the sight of God" (Luke 16:15). When the hour comes to see how much the deeds of men weigh in the scales of God's sanctuary, mankind will be in for a great surprise.

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