Me, My Worst Enemy

Sometimes it happens that among God's children there is a tendency to blame the evil one and his attacks for all the things that happen to them and distress them. However, we must remember something we already know: that the evil one is defeated (1 John 2:13). When our Lord Jesus Christ died, he defeated death and the one who had the power of death (Heb. 2:14).

It is true that Satan walks about today like a roaring lion, seeking whom he may devour (1 Peter 5:8), but he cannot touch those who are born of God and do not practice sin, for the Lord keeps them (1 John 5:18). It is written! Therefore, although we must always be alert to the wiles of the devil, our main struggle today is not against Satan.

In fact, there is another sphere where we must aim with special care. Our greatest struggle today is against ourselves, against our Adamic nature, which we carry with us day by day, and which we must constantly deny. We must strip ourselves of ourselves, renouncing ungodliness and the worldly desires "of our flesh" (Titus 2:12). Only in this way will we obtain more and more of Christ. Only by despising our lives will we be overcomers (Rev. 12:11).

Sometimes we blame Satan for our own mistakes, and we attribute to him the sufferings we experience because of our own sin. In truth, our main enemy is ourselves. Many times we allow ourselves to be deceived by our supposed "goodness". Beware! The heart of man is deceitful, who can know it (Jer. 17:9). Even we ourselves cannot know our hearts and their intent, so let us not trust it. It is the Lord who searches our mind and tries our heart (Jer. 17:10). That is why Solomon's Proverbs advises us: "Above all that is stored up, guard your heart". And where can we keep it? Only in Christ!

This is why Paul advises Timothy, saying: "Take heed to yourself" (1 Tim. 4:16). As a warning sign he tells him: "Beware, do not be deceived". This is also valid for us, lest we deceive ourselves. It is urgent that we put off the old man (Col. 3:7-10) with all that he brings with him, even that which we consider "good". There is nothing good in us. Only Christ in us is good.

Let us not be deceived by our hearts, but let us be renewed in the spirit of our mind, putting on the new man (Eph. 4:22-24).

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