To Caesar and to God

Luke 20:21-26.

When the chief priests and the scribes asked the Lord about the tribute, they did not imagine the answer they would receive. They knew the wisdom that Jesus had demonstrated in the many tricks they had played on him, but this was a very propitious occasion to bring him down.

The Jews hated the Roman domination, and especially, to pay the tribute that as subjects corresponded to them. Moreover, if on the denarius coin was stamped the abhorrent figure of Caesar. Was not this abominable for a Jew? If Jesus told them that tribute should be paid, he opposed the devout and patriotic Jews; if he answered them no, he was exposed before the Roman authority. What would he do?

The Lord's answer recognizes the existence of two very marked spheres in man's existence: the human sphere and the spiritual sphere. The Lord not only confirmed that they should pay tribute to Caesar, but also set them an even greater challenge: they should give to God what belongs to God.

To give to Caesar what is Caesar's means that Caesar has a sphere of authority, and in that sphere he is to be honored. On the other hand, to give to God what is God's means that God has another sphere of authority, and that he must also be honored. Thus, man's duties cover two equally important areas. Not only must one not owe Caesar anything, but one must also be accountable to God. Each area has a level of fulfillment and a level of demand.

This poses a special demand for the Christian who, protected by a supposed spirituality, neglects his earthly duties; as if he were beyond the laws, in a position in which he is only accountable to God. But he also makes no lesser demand of those who live so rooted in the earth that they are unaware of their duties towards God. They have no regard for God.

Thus, we are doubly stewards: of Caesar and of God. Men try to shirk their responsibility as men, so Caesar is permanently mocked. But how can God be mocked? The day will come, no doubt, when every debt to him will be paid, and even with interest. Blessed are those who can today be at peace with God and with men!

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